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TIG Welding Tips for the Beginner

At Freehold Welding Inc. we know that the art of being an accomplished welder is only something that comes with practice, and then more practice! 

Many people start welding and become disheartened because it wasn’t as easy as it first looked. But with a little knowledge and some professional tips behind you, you’ll be completing your first welding job efficiently and to your complete satisfaction. 

Tip 1 – Don’t Expect To Become An Expert Welder Overnight

When you first begin stick welding, no matter how much your equipment costs or how smart you may be, the electrode WILL stick to the metal. You’ll curse, you’ll probably kick something, but the most important thing is that you don’t give up! Just ask any of our professional welders and they will tell you the same. 

Tip 2 – Pick A Project You Can Easily Achieve

Welding can open up a whole new world to those who love nothing better than getting their teeth into a DIY project or who want to take care of their own welding repairs. For your first welding project, you’ll want something fairly easy or you might just want to practice with some old sheet metal for a while until you become more proficient. 

Tip 3 – Keep Your Surface Clean For The Best Weld

If you are going to be doing TIG welding, you need a very clean surface in order to get the best results. When you have a clean surface you can be sure of a cleaner arc and a really nice weld. The more time you spend cleaning your work surface before you start welding, the better the final results will be. 

Tip 4  – Choose The Right Tungsten

Choosing the right tungsten for your welding project will depend on the working surface you are using. It’s traditional for green tungsten to be used if you are working with aluminum and for red tungsten to be used for steel. However, some people like to stick with red tungsten for every project. You should probably stick to the traditional types before you choose a preference. 

Tip 5 – Always Regrind If You Touch The Tip

One of the most annoying things about learning how to TIG weld is that it is a fine art with many rules that need to be followed. When you do follow the rules, you really will get the best results from your efforts. 

One of the hardest rules to obey stick with is regrinding your tungsten if the tungsten tip touches the weld puddle at any time. If the tip touches the puddle, it has been contaminated and you must regrind your tungsten once more. You will know if this happens as the arc will start to wander and become harder to control. 

Visit Us Online Often for More Beginner’s Tips and Welding Project Guides

We have plenty more tips and advice coming your way. We are always happy to share welding advice and to give you our expert assistance when you need it. And our professional welders in New Jersey are on hand to take on your TIG welding repairs for you. 

Speak to Freehold Welding Inc. now at (732) 577 1516 to find out more about our services and how we can assist you.  You can also use our contact form to get in touch.

Resources, TIG Welding